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How To Prepare For A Brand Photoshoot

Writer: CrysE B.CrysE B.

" The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. " - H Jackson Brown JR.

Have you ever had a photoshoot for your brand? Brand shoots are a really fun and a great way to tell your brand's story and show authenticity through photos. For example, can you imagine a website without great photos or a magazine with no ad's? With that said, it's important to have visual content to communicate with your audience. That is just one example but, the reasons you need a brand shoot are unlimited. Whether it's your first branded photoshoot or you have done several branded photo shoots, as you approach your photoshoot day you want to be prepared. Let’s jump in further on how to prepare for a Brand Photoshoot.

Prep Time.....

First, you need to create a mood board that reflects your brand, the type of photos you need and how you will be utilizing the photos. On your moodboard you’ll want to start outlining how you want your photos to look. This includes everything from your aesthetic, hair, makeup, wardrobe, location, props you will need, etc. Having enough props help to stage intentional shots. Especially if you're start forgetting ways to pose. Ensure you think of all the props you can use to bring your brand to life.

Finding a Photographer...

One of the next key components as you prepare for your shoot is hiring a photographer. Your photographer should definitely be someone who will make you feel comfortable, someone who has great energy, will be directive, take great images that translate and tell your brand story visually. Once you book your photographer, you would either share your completed mood board or the photographer will collaborate with you on your mood board. You can search google in your local area or on social media under #brandphotographers to look for the best fit photography style for your aesthetic.

Where to shoot...

Next is finalizing a location. Brand photographers will be ideal to shoot with in this case over say a food photographer. A Brand photographer who often shoots this style of specifically branded photoshoots would also be most likely to be helpful in assisting in choosing where to shoot. You can opt to shoot in your office, at a studio, on location outdoors, or at a coffee shop. Depending on your photographer you might have the option to do two different locations in the same day. Whatever suits your brand. Utilizing resources like Peerspace for staged set rental is a great opportunity to host your brand shoot.

Camera Ready...

You will definitely want to look your best and be as camera-like as you can. Which brings me to makeup and grooming! If you don't have a camera ready makeup routine or the ability to do your own makeup for a professional shoot, I wouldn't suggest doing it yourself. Hire a professional or someone that you trust. Same goes for your hair. Do not try new hairstyles, new skincare services like a facial or skincare products too close to your shoot. If you don't already have a signature style, Keep it classic and play it safe when it comes to your hair, makeup and wardrobe. These details should be in place before scheduling your shoot. That means trying new hairstyles, new hair colors, is ideal weeks prior before your shoot to ensure that YOU like it, that it aligns with your desired look and on brand.

Outfits of the Day...

You wardrobe selection should also be finalized prior to shoot day. If you are changing outfits more than once or mixing and matching your looks, wardrobe outfits should be pre-steamed & pre-styled. That's including accessories. Try everything on before and keep the looks together in your garment bag. I also suggest bringing a handheld travel steamer for last minute wrinkles and stain remover for unexpected stains.

Self Preservation...

Don't forget to get your nails and toes done. Those up close shots can be telling. And you want to have the nicest shots possible. Keep in mind to set out time for some self care for yourself up to a week ahead of your shoot. Be sure to get some rest. Although there's makeup and photoshop. Nobody wants to be photographed with bags under their eyes. If you have sufficient rest, arrive with upbeat energy and not dragging, you will help the photographer, your makeup artist and do yourself a favor as well. Being a CEO and a BOSS is hard work. But, you don't have to look like what you have been through.

Good Vibes Only...

If you have an open photoshoot, meaning you and/or your photographer is allowing you to have guest there at the photoshoot. Be sure that if anyone outside of your makeup artist, stylist, or photographer, they are there for support. They should not be a distraction to you or the photographer. Only allow someone to be present at your shoot that will be helpful to making sure there is only positive vibes, and everything runs smoothly as possible. They can even shoot some behind the scenes, DJ your favorite playlist, etc. for you during the shoot. They should definitely be someone who will help your authentic personality shine through during your photoshoot.

Ultimately, the more prepared you are, the more confident you will be when you show up for your shoot. You want to come across as a Boss and represent your business through your images. The goal is for this investment to get your business noticed by your ideal client and audience.

I hope that this motivates you to start planning your next shoot. If you need more brand strategy tips or if you have any questions? Ask them here and it will be my pleasure to assist. For more tips on branded photoshoots learn about it here in one of my previous blog post on Why You Need A Branded Photoshoot.

Good luck at your next shoot In the meantime, Take care in the meantime.



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